
Week #13 – Wrap Up (with Grace & James)

Grace & James – Creators, Collaborators, and Fun Company for the Journey!

Week #13 – Wrap Up (with Grace & James)

For this last episode of 2021, we wrap up our very first season by filling you in on what we’ve been up to, thanking each and every one of our interview guests who joined us to launch this project (praise for you early adopters), and reflecting on what we learned from our conversations with them! We also share some fun first quarter goals and invite YOU to be part of our next 13-week season!

Show notes and quotes to come…but in the meantime:

What about you?

Want to add to the conversation? We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Big news in 2022 as we await the release of our first movie this summer! Stay tuned!!!

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

1/11/22 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James


Week #12 – Enough (with Jennifer Bryant)

Week #12 – Enough (with Jennifer Bryant)

In Episode #12 we interviewed Jennifer Bryant — writer, speaker, author, podcaster, student, teacher, and restaurant owner! (Did anyone say “fish tacos?”) We talked about education, enough-ness, and how exactly she got her very first book (an Advent devotional) printed and published in just two short months! (Available now on Amazon!)

I expected to talk to Jenn about her new book (which is beautiful, by the way!) and just how she got it printed and published in such a short time. What I didn’t expect was to get into the topic of “enough-ness” and how that transcends the heart of busy homeschool moms — to affect creatives as well!

Because how many times do we feel that we aren’t “enough?” That what we have to offer isn’t enough? What we have to say isn’t enough? Or how about who we are? How much time we have? Our time? Our resources? Our money? Our worth?

And oh, her take on education! Can we just talk about this quote on the battle of information vs. understanding:

“The more that we’re aware of ourselves and other people, how to think about things, the more personal power and autonomy we have to affect positive change in this world.”

And as creatives, isn’t THAT exactly what we are setting out to do?

In addition to education and enoughness, here’s what else we talked with Jenn about:

00:00 – INTRODUCTION – we introduce Jenn Bryant: writer, podcaster, author, student, teacher, restaurant owner, and ask her what it means to have a “practical family?”
01:00 – PRACTICAL FAMILY – Jenn explains what “practical family” means: domestic life, practical, pragmatic, education, organization, worry about the stuff that really matters; emotional/moral support that you don’t have to do all the things to be worthy as a mom; enough-ness; science and theory behind “enough ness”
06:00 – ENOUGHNESS – Jennifer talks about how to give yourself permission to be “enough;” the all or nothing thinking for moms and creatives that keeps us from feeling “enough”; and her use of timer as an antidote to “enough”
08:30 – WHERE DOES IT COME FROM – we ask Jenn where “enough-ness” comes from; family of origin; any grown up who’s raised you, internalized messaging that manifests as perfectionism, paralysis, boundaries; how it manifests in creatives
14:00 – MOST RECENT WIN – Jenn tells us about her book and how it came to be; how she self published through Amazon and Ingramspark; using repurposed content; “How hard can this be?” Turns out, Jenn admits, it was pretty hard!
16:45 – PARTNERSHIPS – Jennifer talks about the people that she worked with to get it done; “working in partnership with folks who can do certain pieces for you of the publishing process was gold.”
17:30 – KEY POINTS – repurposed material; repackaged; hiring on Fiverr; asking for what you want things to look/feel/sound/ get the product you’re happy with.
19:49 – TIMELINE – September to November 
21:00 – INTERACTIVE – using recipes and lyrics to create an interactive experience
22:19 – STRUCTURE – for Jenn, every day is different; time blocking works; timers; using google calendar for color blocking time; using Calendly for scheduling and coordinating time; “As a creative, you have to know yourself; you have to be kind to yourself; and you have to put tools in place that help you.”
28:30 – QUESTIONS – Jenn talks about how she’s handling questions about “how to publish a book;”
31:00 – EXPECTATIONS – Jenn talks about the importance of asking questions and sharing information in order to move projects forward.
32:50 – WHAT TIME DO YOU START YOUR DAY – Jenn admits that she gets up a little later (7am) and doesn’t start the kids until later; (mom of the year right there!)
34:24 – EDUCATION – Jim asks Jenn why education is so important to her (for kids and adults) and what it means to be “educated.”  “The more that we’re aware of ourselves and other people, how to think about things, the more personal power and autonomy we have to affect positive change in this world.”  The battle of information vs. understanding; the more we press into understanding each other, the more empathy we have for each other; the more we able to love better.”  “To help others, to love others better, and learn to be an effective force in the world.”
38:25 – WHAT’S NEXT – focusing on “enough-ness” in 2022; Jenn shares her whiteboard with us; 
41:25 – WHERE TO FIND JENN –; TikTok; YouTube; podcast
43:00 – TROLLS – why Jenn’s book appeared on atheists’ Facebook feeds; and how it affected her book sales!
44:30 – GRACE & JIM WRAP UP – wrestling with enough; what’s enough, who’s enough, how do you know it’s enough?

What about you?

Want to add to the conversation? We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page tomorrow when Jim and I celebrate Week #13 with a quick recap of our first “season” of vod-cast episodes, what we’ve learned, and where we’re headed!

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

11/21/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About Our Guest:

Jennifer Bryant is a writer and podcaster at She is the host of the Practical Family Podcast and coaches moms through their homeschooling and parenting journeys. She holds a degree in Christian Studies (Bible Theology and Philosophy), certification in Christian apologetics and Master’s level training in education. She hosts book studies with women and families in person and online on motherhood, parenting, and Biblical education. Jenn and Bruce have been married 15 years and together they own the best fish taco restaurant in town. They live in Honolulu, Hawaii, raising two precious pre-teens, and enjoying homeschooling in Hawaii and on the road as often as they can travel. Follow her fun videos of family and mom life on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Podcast interviews available on YouTube.

NEW BOOK: 25 Days of Jesus: An Advent Journey through the Gospel of Luke
Available on Amazon & Barnes & Noble



Week #11 – Mindset (with Kendra Burrows)

Week #11 – Mindset (with Kendra Burrows)

In Episode #11 we interviewed Kendra Burrows — writer, speaker, full-time psychology professor, and MINDSET coach! We covered a lot of ground in our conversation with Kendra, starting with what is mindset, where does it come from, what can we do about it, and HOW can we stop the spiral?!


We all do it, right? Rehash a conversation, replay a chain of events, rewrite again and again to make sure that email or text is super-duper clear.

But there is something about us creatives that take it to the next level! Each of us has our reasons (perfectionism, people pleasing, need for achievement, accolades, or just plain old completion). But no matter the reason — or the root — what we do about it now is what matters.

My biggest take-away from our conversation with Kendra wasn’t necessarily about mindset…it was about the difference between routines and ruts. As an over-thinker and natural procrastinator, I’ve learned to rely on routines to get me going and propel me forward to get things done.

However, when life knocks my routines off track, I get derailed very easily. And then have a hard time recovering.

Almost every person we’ve interviewed so far has mentioned the need for flexibility with their routines. Jobs, clients, parishoners, partners, drop-in adult children, and free range babies — all contribute to the day-to-day interruptions (and even delays) of life as we envision it, as we want it, as we dream for it to be.

So mindset, as it turns out, isn’t just about how we talk to ourselves — it’s what we do with that talk. How we act reinforces the thought. And taking action lets our brain know we mean business!

“In the end, none of that matters except the action that you are taking today…at some point, you just need to act!”

What are you telling yourself lately?

In addition to mindset and routines, we talked about: 

00:00 – INTRODUCTON – we introduce Kendra and jump right in to what is mindset and what’s so hard about it?  
00:47 – WHAT IS MINDSET – the things that we think to ourselves that enable us to do something; Kendra gives us the example of two groups of housekeepers that are given different approaches to their job
02:42 – DOMINO EFFECT – Jim asks about the domino effect and how an improved mindset may have affected other decisions in their lives
04:24 – WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON – I ask Kendra what she is currently working on, and how mindset plays a role; Kendra tells us about her e-book and how it addresses the “Seven Biggest Lies We Tell Ourselves” and what to do about it; 
05:43 – THE UPSIDE OF STRESS – Kendra tells us about a book she’s reading that digs into “stress” and how it varies, and even benefits us, in certain circumstances.
8:32 – PINNACLE OF CONTROL – Kendra digs into the lie that once we reach some place with no setbacks and no disappointments, we’ll have control; rather than asking ourselves, how is this hurting me? Ask, how is this helping me?
10:44 – MINDSET – I ask Kendra where does mindset come from, what can we do about it, and does any of that matter?  In Kendra’s view, what’s more important is how you can change your thoughts and what you can do today to move forward.
13:18 – PATHWAYS – Jim asks about brain chemicals, those pesky neuropathways, and if we can change them; short answer: yes, you can train yourself to stick to a new path!
16:00 – COMMON THEMES – I ask Kendra who is coming to her for help and what are the common themes; 
19:40 – WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY – Kendra reminds us that if we don’t put work out there, we won’t get to hear the positive things people might say also.
20:46 – ROUTINES – Jim asks Kendra about her morning routine and what she does to put herself in a positive mindset; (and this is where Kendra talks about the importance of flexibility).
22:00 – RESET – Kendra shares her technique for resetting when her routines get derailed;
22:47 – STOP THE SPIRAL – I ask Kendra what she does to stop the spiral of negative thoughts once it starts; once again, Kendra mentions the importance of flexibility in her schedule and gives some other tips for engaging with the part of our brain/body that is signaling the spiral
24:51 – TALKING BACK TO OUR BRAIN – Kendra confides in us she has named that annoying voice in her head!  Rather than fight it, acknowledge it and keep moving.
27:00 – THE “I’LL NEVERS” – Jim asks how to deal with those all-encompassing “I’ll never…” thoughts; Kendra gives us some tips to soften the edges of those thoughts…and reminds us that “your brain hears what you’re saying, and it believes you.”  (It also knows when you are lying.)
31:00 – TOXIC POSITIVITY – I ask Kendra where’s the line between positive mindset and toxic positivity; Kendra also admits she doesn’t necessarily believe in toxic positivity as it takes our power away.
33:47 – FEAR SETTING – Kendra references Tim Ferris’ theory about Fear Setting and how, once again, to acknowledge and soften that fear into something manageable rather than missing out.
38:17 – REPETITIVE THOUGHTS – Grace gives one of her go-to techniques for dealing with repetitive thoughts; and Jim chimes in with his favorite question.
41:02 – THE BIGGEST HURDLE – I ask Kendra what the biggest hurdle to mindset is; surprisingly, it isn’t getting into it…it’s getting out!  “In the end, none of that matters except the action that you are taking today…At some point you need to just act.”  Also, anticipating the obstacles and creating a plan for overcoming it.
43:55 – THE BEST TIME OF DAY – Kendra shares with us her best time of day for writing; and the reality that it doesn’t always happen.
45:10 – ALL THE LINKS – Kendra shares where we can find her; her free handout; and offers a complimentary 30-minute clarity session to anyone who is listening!
46:30 – COMING SOON — Stay tuned for Kendra’s e-book: Seven Ways You Lie To Yourself (How it Hurts and How to Stop)
46:48 – WRAP UP – Grace and Jim offer their immediate reflections and take-aways; so much to think about!

What about you?

Want to add to the conversation? We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page tomorrow when we talk with writer, speaker, educator, and restaurant owner Jennifer Bryant!

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

11/21/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About Our Guest:

With her Bible in one hand & her advanced psych degree in the other, Kendra Burrows loves to help smart, successful over-thinkers overcome negative thoughts using Scripture and the science of how God made you. Stop by or follow her on Facebook @KendraSBurrows 

As a college instructor and a personal coach, she has a gift for putting people at ease, clearly articulating complex concepts, and asking questions that spur thinking in her students and propel her clients to their next steps. 

Stop by to grab the free printable, The Truth About the Lies Communicators Believe, along with weekly reassurance and tips to help you minimize your negative thoughts.


Week #10 – Messy (with Cassie Rajewich)

Week #10 – Messy (with Cassie Rajewich)

In Episode #10 we interviewed Cassie Rajewich — writer, speaker, financial coach, full-time momma and business builder who is teaching women to “live out their bravest stories!” Cassie willingly let us in on her “messy middle” and shared with us how she has learned to say no to having it all right here and right now — so she can have the things that matter most in the long run!

“Budget, Boundaries, and Business”

One of the things that stuck with me from our interview with Cassie is how she has learned to use the resources that she has at her disposal now. Cassie knows what it’s like to be in debt, to go bankrupt, and to rebuild everything again — and she’s learned the hard way to live within her means, not just with money but with her space, time, and energy as well.

Because it’s hard to fund dreams, to feel creative, or to be brave when you’re running low in any one of those areas!

And as a full-time momma of three babies under six, Cassie has learned how to move forward with her dreams while juggling competing priorities in an interruption-rich environment, even if it means putting something on the back burner for a bit.

The other thing that stuck was the importance of building those resources SO THAT you can reinvest in yourself and your dreams in the long run. Debt keeps us mired in the past. Balance keeps us present. But profit — profit in any area propels us into the future!

So how do we get there? Well…Cassie specializes in real talk when it comes to personal finance and business strategy, and it’s nothing she wouldn’t say to herself:

“I’d like to say it’s gonna be okay but it’s not gonna be okay unless you pull your s*** together. It won’t be okay if you don’t get a plan and you don’t get a strategy…You better dig in, girl.”

Are you ready to dig in?

In addition to money…we talked about motherhood, multi-tasking, and so much more:

00:00 – INTRODUCTION – we introduce Cassie; money coach, sales strategist, social media brand manager
1:00 – THE MESSY MIDDLE – Cassie talks us through her pivot from a focus on single moms to financial coaching for women in business “leverage their income and live out their bravest story.” (I just love that tagline!)
3:52 – LEVERAGE – Cassie reminds us that your biggest asset is your income; use it to build your business/life/story.
5:00 – The SPIRITUAL SIDE OF MONEY – Jim asks about the brave story part…what that means spiritually; Cassie shares a little of her story; money/business/building our identity/story.
7:44 – EMOTIONAL JOURNEY – Grace asks Cassie how she perceives the difference in herself between now and then; learned to value her earning ability and what her money can build (not buy)
10:00 – THE HARDEST PART – Grace asks Cassie what’s the hardest idea to convey to one of her coaching clients; “saying no to whatever your yes-es are.”  The difficulting with hearing “no”, “wait”, “Not now.”
11:55 – THE PROCESS – Jim asks about what the process is beyond “get out of debt”; Cassie talks about the importance of trust.
14:30 – THE PIVOT – Jim asks Cassie what the biggest challenge in the pivot was; Cassie talks about imposter syndrome; finding a new voice; finding new authority.
17:30 – STRUCTURE – Jim asks Cassie how she structures her day; Cassie talks about how her previous corporate structure didn’t translate to her own business; flowing her energy in an interruption-rich environment; being kind/patience/gentle with her kids; I don’t want to wait until I’m 60 — so I need to love it all now.
21:00 – BOUNDARIES – Cassie talks about her decision to put her book on the back-burner while she builds her business; “you have permission to put this down.”  We talk about the enneagram again and knowing our limits; you cannot go into the negative with your time.
23:50 – SEASONS – we ask Cassie about the hardest part of the season that she’s in; her time; and how she has to fight the urge to chase shiny objects
24:48 – HOW SHE FILLS HERSELF UP – Cassie talks about her mastermind group; fellowship; therapy; 5am prayer with her husband; quiet time; coffee; no pressure until 9am; and taking time in the morning
26:51 – METHOD FOR GOAL SETTING – calendar; 5-year planning; very specific checklist every day; 
27:48 – WHEN DO YOU STOP – Cassie tells us that she doesn’t have a firm stop time; but when she starts feeling like it isn’t going well anymore she shuts it off and plays; 
28:38 – ONE YEAR OUT – Cassie tells us where’d she’d like to be in one year; clients; book; live interactions with humans!
30:20 – MY FAVORITE QUESTION – Cassie tells us what she’d tell young Cassie: “I’d like to say it’s gonna be okay but it’s not gonna be okay unless you pull your SHIT together; it won’t be okay if you don’t get a plan and you don’t get a strategy; and ou don’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps; you better lock in…who do you want to be?”  “You better dig in, girl.”
32:24 – BABY BOMB – As Cassie tells us where we can find her, her little one makes an appearance! 
33:38 – WRAP UP – Immediate reflections from Jim and Grace; getting things done when we can get them done; doing what she can, day by day, doing what she can, stopping when she needs to stop, not waiting for the clean calendar or perfect time; investing in yourself and your growth; 

What about you?

Want to add to the conversation? We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page tomorrow when we talk with writer, speaker, full-time professor of psychology, and mindset coach Kendra Burrows!  (You ladies have amazed me!)

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

11/14/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About Our Guest:

As certified money coach and sales strategist, Cassie Rajewich imperfectly challenges Christian business women to make friends with their finances so they can leverage their income and live out their bravest stories. She currenlty lives in Southern California with her husband, four free-range daughters, and their dog Bailey.

IG: @cassierajewich
FB: @cassierajewich 


Week #9 – Fun (with Deanna Day Young)

Week #9 – Fun (with Deanna Day Young)

In Episode #9 we interviewed Deanna Day Young — writer, speaker, and non-profit builder. (Oh, and did I mention she has a full-time job too?) Deanna shares with us how grief turned her life’s calling of spreading a little kindness every day — into creating BUCKETS of kindness for kids suffering with cancer.

In our interview, Deanna not only tells the inspiring story of how her non-profit, Bucket Buddies Mission, came to be — but how it fulfills her personal mission to make a difference to someone every day.  

Deanna has always been a joyful giver…but it takes more than that to run a non-profit. With focused intention, organization, support and supplies, she’s been able to scale her efforts to not only touch the lives of children across the country — but the lives of those who assemble and deliver the gifts too!

Above all, through grief and giving, Deanna has learned how to take care of herself and keep things fun. I’ve gotten to see first-hand how encouraging and cheerful Deanna is — but I know that often comes at a cost.  Deanna and I both lost siblings in midlife to cancer and I know it’s hard to be “the strong one” when you want to fall apart.

We got around to asking her how she navigates the danger zone of depletion…and her secret is simple: in addition to helping others, Deanna makes sure she does something fun/kind for herself every day.

“You have to identify what it is that’s making you feel depleted…because if you don’t identify it, you’re not gonna deal with it.”

And then, you have to turn that generous nature on yourself:

“If you don’t do something for yourself every day, you’re gonna get in a rut, and you’re gonna get resentful.”

I believe you, Deanna! I really do! Now…what about you? Are you waiting for joy and generosity to find you…or are you willing to set an intention to go out and find it?

In addition to generosity and self-care, we talked about: 

00:00 – INTRODUCTION – We introduce Deanna and everything she’s working on: her blog, her website, and her effort to make a difference for someone everyday (and coaching others to do the same); we also talk about her non-profit, Bucket Buddies Mission – which provides buckets of fun for kids in children’s hospitals (and how she grew that effort during Covid)
3:34 – COLLABORATING – Jim asks Deanna about the challenges of collaborating as it relates to her non-profit; gathering support, funds, execution, delivery, and presentation; the surprising challenge of pulling everyone together to gather/deliver exactly what is needed; and ultimately delegating the duties
7:00 – MISSION STATEMENT – Grace asks Deanna about how her personal mission statement occurred to her and when it came about; we talk Random Acts of Kindness vs. Intentional Acts of Kindness; and her 365-day challenge to herself
9:30 – TOUCHED BY CANCER – Deanna talks about how her family has been touched by cancer and why it became a motivating factor for her to reach that community; she tells the story of her sister who died of cancer and had a heart for children and how that led to Bucket Buddies.
10:50 – THE BIRTH OF A NON-PROFIT – Grace asks Deanna to detail the timeline and story of how Bucket Buddies came to be; from the very first bucket in 2014 to over 9,000 buckets in 2021!
16:10 – DEANNA’S SISTER – we ask Deanna what it meant to her to be able to share the fulfillment of BBM with her sister before she died; and how it helped Deanna through grief and healing.
17:30 – SUPPORT – Deanna talks about what any show of support means to her, from donors, to assemblers, to her board, to her benefactors.
18:55 – VISION – Jim asks Deanna what she thinks of how her vision has evolved; Deanna shows a sample of the bucket and talks about how the presentation has changed over the years, including the containers they are delivered in.
20:30 – FEEDBACK – Jim asks about feedback that Deanna has received and how that’s touched her; not necessarily from the recipients — but from the people who gather to assemble and deliver them!
23:45 – GIVING FOR GIVING’S SAKE – Grace and Deanna talk about the importance of giving anonymously (and getting others involved)
25:00 – GENEROSITY – Grace asks Deanna about the nature of generosity; and how a person might cultivate that hobby into a habit and then into a lifestyle; Deanna returns to the word “intentional”; “once you start, you start seeing opportunities, and it just becomes a way of life…If this is something you want to do, it can be learned, your heart can change, you just have to work at it.”
37:42 – GIVING IDEAS – Deanna gets lit on fire to share quick and easy ways to give; everything from sharing a slice of cake to depositing money in someone’s bank account; “so we have three things in our life…time, money, and energy; at different points in your life you have more of one than another so whatever you’re blessed with and whatever stage you’re at in your life, take that and use it for your gratitude journey.”
30:15 – WHAT FILLS DEANNA’S BUCKET – routines; we ask Deanna about her morning routine, including her peculiar viewing of watching someone else clean her house! 
32:00 – SOMETHING FUN EVERY DAY – Deanna gives us the secret to her success that she learned in the year after her sister died: she does something fun for herself every day; and once a month she does something extra fun/special; and her surprising advice to her colleagues during Covid! (For herself and others). “If you don’t do something for yourself every day, you’re gonna get in a rut, and you’re gonna get resentful.”
34:37 – DEANNA’S COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS – Deanna shares her laminated list of fun things to do at Christmas (her favorite holiday!)
35;40 – RECIEVING – Deanna talks about how she shared the joy of giving by receiving lunch from a little girl the day we recorded.
36:00 – SELF CARE AS SURVIVAL – we ask Deanna why she thinks it’s important to take such good care of herself. 
37:05 – DEPLETION – I ask Deanna how she guards that tripping point into depletion; faith keeps her strong and grounded; “one of the main things is that you have to recognize when you are getting depleted…and don’t ignore it.”  You have to identify what it is that’s making you feel depleted…because if you don’t identify it, you’re not gonna deal with it.
41:37 – WRAP UP – Grace and Jim offer their immediate reflections on the interview; we could all be more generous; good self care; it’s good to be reminded that there’s a lot of good we can do and good people out there; you have to go FIND it; Generosity is a muscle; you can build it; start small; set goals; meet challenges; knowing where your edge/boundaries are; heed the yellow light.

What about you?

Want to add to the conversation? We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page tomorrow when we talk with writer, speaker, full-time momma, and financial coach Cassie Rajewich!  (You ladies have amazed me!)

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

11/7/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About Our Guest:

Deanna Day Young’s mission statement for her life is “to make a difference to someone every day.” She has a passion for random acts of kindness. She loves to take that passion and encourage others to become the person God created them to be by helping individualize their personal goals. 

Another one of her passions is to help others make a difference with 
their hands, their hearts and their homes through practical decluttering, organizing and decorating ideas. She also loves sharing Christ through scripture, life experiences and humorous stories in her speaking and writing ministry.

Deanna is the author of Extra Hot Fudge Please, a collection of daily 
devotions. She is also President of Bucket Buddies Mission, Inc., a 
non‐profit created in memory of her sister, which provides 
buckets of goodies to children suffering from cancer and other life‐ 
threatening illnesses. 

Connect with Deanna at:
Instagram: @deannadayyoung
Book:  Extra Hot Fudge Please – available on Amazon


Week #8 – Pivot (with Lori Young)

Week #8 – Pivot (with Lori Young)

In Episode #8 we interviewed Lori Young — writer, speaker, FB-Live video producer, and Certified Enneagram Coach! Lori told us the story of how the pandemic first threatened her pivot into public speaking — and then, in an unlikely turn, ultimately paved the way for her to pursue her passion! (And I got to ask one of my most favorite questions yet!)

Lori’s brand is Authenticity Over Approval and that’s exactly how we felt about our chat with her: authentic! Lori shared openly about what she experienced when everything she was working for came to a screeching halt, and how she found her footing in the months that followed.

Most important, Lori talked about how her knowledge of the Enneagram (and what drives her behavior) enabled her to be a better friend to herself at a time when she most needed it.

“I already have a pretty strong foundation of faith…so I just continued to do what I knew what to do, just in terms of leaning into something that was certain and sure for me, which was my faith.”

She went on to mention that her circle of friends was key:

“I also have some incredible friends (both locally and online)…we were all in the same boat. So I made sure that I didn’t isolate myself…that was probably the biggest things.”

Do you know yourself well enough to know when you are heading into a danger zone…and what you need to do to pull yourself out? The Enneagram is a powerful tool for learning how we behave in growth — and in stress — and it’s like having a good friend in your corner who knows the exact tough-to-love ratio you need to get back on your feet.

In addition to the Enneagram, we talked about:

00:00 – INTRO – we introduce Lori, what she’s working on, and all the management that goes along with it!
2:30 – FAKE FAMOUS – we sidebar about the HOB documentary that follows the Instagrammers on the quest for 1 million followers (it’s fascinating!)
3:30 – THE PATH – Lori talks about her path prior to speaking and how she got to where she is today, including a dire warning at 5:45 about NOT making the leap before you are ready.
6:00 – THE PIVOT – Lori talks about how she transitioned out of full time work to speaking;  including her amazing story of her first real speaking gig on March 12th, 2020.
7:30 – THE PIT – Lori talks about what it felt like to have that rug ripped out from under her; and what she did about it; and how long it took for her to find her footing again.
11:30 – THE PROCESS – Jim asks how Lori coped with the depression she experienced those months in between; her answer: leaning into something that felt certain and sure for her (and a theme we are seeing in our interviews…a good circle of friends).
13:00 – ISOLATION – Grace asks Lori how her understanding of the Enneagram helped her cope in the midst of the pandemic and everything she was experiencing
19:00 – FRIEND OR FOE – we talk about how social media helped/hurt during Covid; Lori explains what the enneagram is and how it works and why it’s so important; how she uses it for individuals, teams, and businesses
28:15 – HOW IT’S GOING NOW – Jim asks Lori how the speaking is going now.
28:00 – THE HARDEST PART – Grace asks Lori about what the hardest part of her speaking journey was so far.
31:25 – PANDEMIC JOB CHANGES – Jim asks Lori if the pandemic strengthened her resolve to change/or make her doubt it
33:15 – MY FAVORITE QUESTION – I get to ask my most favorite question ever!  If you could talk to yourself on March 13th of 2020 — what would you say?
36:00 – MORNING ROUTINE – we ask Lori about her morning routine, which (once again) she has allowed herself to change according to the season that she is in.
37:00 – WHERE TO FIND LORI – Lori tells us where we can find her on socials and on the web.
38:15 – WRAP UP – Jim reflects on what we learned from Lori; Grace reflects on what she calls a “clunky” growth year; and if you didn’t “pandemic” right, don’t beat yourself up; and why Lori’s experience is a great example of why the Enneagram is so powerful and practical.

What about you?

Want to add to the conversation? We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page on Monday when we talk with writer, speaker, social media manager, and non-profit builder Deanna Day Young! (Oh, and did I mention she’s got a full-time job too?!)

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

10/31/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About Our Guest:

Lori Young is a Certified Enneagram Coach. She speaks to businesses, non-profit organizations, and teams to introduce the concept of the Enneagram as a team-building and organizational development tool. Lori also coaches individuals, couples, families, and teams to help people grow, minimize conflict, and enhance relationships. Lori can be found on Facebook at
You can read her blog at


Week #7 – Wild (with Jennifer Kittredge)

Week #7 – Wild (with Jennifer Kittredge)

In Episode #7 we interviewed Jennifer Romano Kittredge — wife, mom, author of seven adult romance novels, and embodiment coach out of the Tampa, FL area. We talked with Jen about her journey from adoption specialist, to steamy romance author, to sistership coach — and what exactly led her to coach women to “reclaim their wild!”

Jen and I go way back…WAY back! We literally grew up next door to one another and spent hours playing school, Barbies, and other made-up games in the “woods” between our houses. It was such a pleasure to reconnect as adults — and play a new game called Podcast!

Our conversation covered a lot of ground…but one of the things that stuck with me most was Jen’s willingness to entertain and explore new ideas as they come to her. From adoption, to steamy romance, to facilitating women’s circles, these endeavors may seem scattered and disconnected…but when you drill down into the catalysts and meaning, there is a consistent through line.

“Why NOT me?”

Jen received this nugget from a friend battling a cancer diagnosis, but she adopted it into her creative outlook for her life. Whatever the idea, why NOT me? Which begs the question:

Why not YOU, too?

In addition to the importance of attending to and nurturing those wild and creative impulses, we talked about:

  • 1:30 – INTRODUCTION – we talk to Jen about the many projects she’s working on right now; what exactly embodiment coaching is; and how she arrived at such a specific niche
  • 5:45 – MASKS – Jim asks Jen about what the most common theme she sees in the masks women wear; why unmasking is brave work; and how Jen prepares women for the inevitable changes they will experience not only in themselves, but in those around us.
  • 10:20 – MENTORS – Jen talks about how she works with mentors to create her own support system so that she can more fully support others.
  • 11:30 – MORNING ROUTINE – Jen talks about her morning routine (and why she doesn’t look at her phone!); and why that quiet time is so important
  • 13:50 – SOCIAL MEDIA – Jen picks her two favorite social media platforms…and tells us why!
  • 15:30 – STRUCTURE – Jen talks about how she structures her day (and why too much structure is a challenge for her); she also talks about when she calls it quits (and what she does after)
  • 18:00 – SURPRISE – the surprising compliment Jen received from her teenage daughter and how reclaiming her wild has had a positive influence on her teen!
  • 20:00 – DECOMPRESSION – Jen talks about how she decompresses after such intense/tough work (and why that kind of time is important for anyone supporting/experiencing intense connection or engagement)
  • 22:00 – VULNERABILITY – Jen talks about the biggest challenge to convincing women to join a sistership circle (hint: it’s most often other women!); and the many rewards of opening up to others in safety about how hard things really are.
  • 25:45 – SUPPORT – We talk about Jen’s SEVEN books, how and where she found the support to write them, and what was the hardest part of it all.
  • 27:00 – WISDOM BOMB – “Why not me?”  Jen tells how a friend with cancer spoke a universal truth into her creative perspective
  • 27:45 – ROMANCE – Jim asks Jen, why adult romance?
  • 29:30 – WRITING TOOLS – It may start with her computer, but Jen goes on to talk about the many collaborators (editor, cover editor, writing coach) she works with to get her books published; and the difficulty of the blurb!
  • 32:00 – EDITORS – Grace asks Jen about how she goes about choosing an editor.
  • 35:00 – AUTHENTICITY – We talk about the positive conversations Jim finds on social media (even Twitter) and the encouragement he gets from authentic sharing of struggles; Jen references Steve King’s On Writing; and Grace wonders, at what point do badges of honor turn from painful to proud?
  • 38:30 – REVIEWS – we all wonder, can bad reviews be good too?!

What about you?

Want to add to the conversation? We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page on Monday when we talk with writer, speaker, FB/Live video producer, and certified enneagram coach — Lori Young and her quest for Authenticity Over Approval! (Hooray for the brave ladies who are really stepping up!)

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

10/24/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About Our Guest:

Jennifer Kittredge is an American writer, embodiment guide, and founder of the Wild Hearted Revolution. Kittredge’s background in mental health has driven her into guiding women to reclaim their wild. Kittredge believes women have been suppressed by societal programs and “norms” which have had a detrimental impact on their true identity. Kittredge is determined to help women break free from these programs and norms by empowering them to reclaim their wild. 

Through her signature system, Kittredge helps women who feel closed off, emotionally exhausted and disconnected from their spirit, reconnect with their feminine and heal their masculine so they can form deep and meaningful relationships and reclaim their wild. 

Connect with Jennifer at:
Instagram: @jennifer_kittredge


Week #6 – UnStuck (with Megan Faulkner)

Week #6 – UnStuck (with Megan Faulkner)

(Used with permission: Megan Faulkner)

In Episode #6 we interviewed Megan Faulkner – a writer, speaker, and podcaster out of Ocean Grove, NJ. Megan is also a student ministries director in a one of New Jersey’s busiest little beach towns. We talked with her about how on earth she makes time to work on her own projects, how she found the YES in this past season of NO, and just how she unstuck herself in the face of some serious writer’s block this summer!

We covered a lot of ground with Megan, but one of the things that stuck with me most was the creative way she overcame that writer’s block. Halfway through the interview, Megan confided that the perfect storm of imposter syndrome, a time crunch, and the comparison trap brought her writing to a standstill this summer…and so I had to ask:

How exactly did you unstick yourself?

After taking a week off from writing completely, Megan implemented a big change to her writing routine:

“I changed locations…every single day I went somewhere different to write. I moved out of my dining room, I went to a coffee shop, I went to a friends house, I went to my backyard, I wrote on my porch…I never wrote in the same spot where I was once stuck.”

For Megan, the unsticking required movement…and a challenge to what had become a well-established and very reliable routine: that her best writing happened in one spot.

“Well that’s a lie. You can do your best writing wherever your brain is…and that will always be with you!”

How often do we over think it?

What a simple solution to a sometimes serious and very scary situation facing any content creator: when the words don’t come!

In addition to the ways Megan overcame her writer’s block this summer, we also talked about:

  • 01:45 – CURRENT PROJECTS – Megan tells us about her unexpected turn into podcasting (Wife Me Up, now in Season 3) and talks a little about her process for getting her book started.  Hint: “It’s really stinkin’ hard!”
  • 4:30 – FINDING THE YES – Megan talks about her experience in student ministries in the times of Covid, how she had to pull out all her creative stops to find the YES in Covid’s season of NO, and how it lead to her contribution to a larger work on the same subject called Youth Ministry in a Season of Disruption.
  • 8:45 – COLLABORATING – Megan gives us this nugget: “The best part of collaboration is when you get to see other people experience someone else’s idea and there’s this burst of creativity or burst of hope that comes from that.”
  • 11:25 – AM/PM ROUTINES – Megan talks about her Enneagram number (hint: she’s a three) and admits she really values structure. She keeps her morning routine and night routine exactly the same, every day, no matter what.  That way, no matter what, these two things are always consistent and always get done.
  • 17:28 – IMPOSTER SYNDROME – Megan talks about all the lies she hears in her head, how they got a hold of her this summer, and how exactly she fought back!
  • 21:57 – UNSTUCK – Megan details exactly what she did to overcome the writer’s block (and oh the irony: it involved challenging those very precious routines we talked about early!)
  • 27:09 – TOOLS – Megan talks about her favorite tools — and tells the sweetest story about how a legal pad/pen became her best friends!
  • 30:00 – MOST PRODUCTIVE TIMES OF DAY – As Megan says, she’s a “bookend girl.” For her, it’s first thing in the morning, and very last thing at night (or after she hits the switch!).

What about you?

We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page this Monday when we talk with Jennifer Kittredge about her journey from adoption specialist, to steamy romance author, to creator of a safe space for women to Reclaim their Wild!

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

10/17/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About our Guest:

Originally from Delaware, Megan Faulkner is a writer and podcaster currently serving as the Director of Student Ministries in Ocean Grove, NJ where she has been for thirteen years.

Her enthusiasm for ministry to teenagers and their families, the marginalized and orphans, have collided into a singular passion for seeing people encounter the love of Jesus and leave radically changed. 

Megan’s blog, Joy in the Journey, depicts ridiculous tales of living a life filled with Jesus and His grace. Her podcast, Wife Me Up, is in its third season sharing stories and hope from all different kinds of people in all different walks of life.

Aside from communicating, her passions in life include Haitian orphans, sunshine, and coffee – in that exact order.
Instagram: @meganefaulk 


Week #5 – SteadyOn (with Angie Baughman)

Week #5 – SteadyOn (with Angie Baughman)

In Episode #5 we interviewed Angie Baughman – a pastor, podcaster, and persistent creator out of Southern Illinois. Most significantly, Angie is a trauma survivor who has learned to keep a few key tools, techniques, and her closest team members at the ready for those moments when rejection, criticism, or confusion threaten to knock her off balance on her creative journey.

“It’s that tension that we’re living in all the time.”

This is where Angie dropped a wisdom-bomb so keen, I had to meme it:

What a perfect description of the tightrope we creatives walk every day…and the tension necessary to make our journey both spectacular AND safe!

Is your rope tight enough?

The tension Angie can endure is a result of years of practice, training, (probably) falling short, and then trying again. It is exactly by pushing her limits that she finds her edge…that space with slack enough to be creative, but tension enough to be manageable!

In addition to the many ways Angie balances creating, collaborating, and the inevitable criticism that comes her way, we talked about:

  • 4:22 – Prioritizing Projects – We asked Angie how she decides what projects to work on, and learned the two frameworks she uses to filter her “yesses.”
  • 7:30 – Making Time – Angie explained how she makes time in her busy and demanding day to process those decisions, which includes a very early morning routine, regular quiet time, and even time away.
  • 10:00 – Deadlines – Angie talks about how she uses OTHER people’s schedules to set deadlines for herself
  • 11:00 – Collaborating – We ask Angie how she feels about collaborating with so many different people (at church, at home, in her work, in her writing) and how she navigates those obligations
  • 12:45 – Saying No – Jim asks Angie how she processes saying “no.”  Angie goes into detail about her background as a trauma survivor and how she has learned to differentiate her “yes” space and her “no” space, and how she processes disappointment from others.
  • 15:00 – Techniques – Angie talks about the tools she uses to process uncomfortable feelings and get back into agreement with who she knows she is, including breathing techniques, physical movement, and serious self-talk.
  • 21:30 – Rejection – Angie opens up about how she responds to rejection, and how she employs her inner circle to support her.
  • 27:00 – Giving Up – Angie confesses there are days when she wonders, “What am I even doing?”  And she drops that wisdom-bomb above…that the thing we most want and the thing that scares us most might be one and the same!
  • 30:00 – SteadyOn – we talk about Angie’s podcast, SteadyOn, and other books/podcasts she’s currently listening to (and I have my Godfather IV moment):
    – “So Much More” podcast, Jodi Niznik
    – “Writing at the Red House” podcast, Kathi Lipp
    – “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” podcast, Mark Driscoll
    – “This Whole Life” book, Eliza Huie
    – “The Blue Book” for bible study

What about you?

We would love to talk with you about your experiences with content creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these discussions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page this Monday when we talk with Megan Faulkner — another female speaker, writer, and fearless creator! Come on, guys…the ladies are really stepping up!

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

10/10/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About Our Guest:

Angie Baughman is a pastor, Bible teacher, author, podcaster, founder of Steady On ministries, and creator of the Step By Step Bible study method.

The mission of Steady On is to identify the lies we believe, the places we are stuck, and to find Biblical application that helps us move forward.

Angie is a trauma and abuse survivor and speaks openly about her ongoing journey towards deeper healing. 

When she’s not working, Angie loves planning trips to Walt Disney World, sipping cups of hot tea, and watching medical or crime dramas. She lives in Southern Illinois with her husband, Matt, and two sons, Alex (17) and Josh (11).

Where to Find/Follow:
Facebook: @livesteadyon
Instagram: @angiebaughman421
Steady On podcasts are available most anywhere you listen to podcasts

Bible Studies Available on Amazon:
A Journey Worth Taking: Exploring the Significance of the Gifts the Wise Men Brought to Jesus
Strong Hearts: Increasing Our Trust in Jesus through Examining the Lines of the Lord’s Prayer


Week #4 – Applause (with Rob Nicholson)

Rob Nicholson in his Rock And Horror Pop-Cast Studio (photo credit: Gina Buongiorno)

Week #4 – Applause (with Rob Nicholson)

This past week for our fourth video, we interviewed Rob Nicholson – writer, singer, actor, podcaster, and all-around good company for our creative journey!

Rob is a singer, actor, award-winning playwright, and podcast host of The Rock and Horror Pop-cast Show. He is a father to three, partner to one, and in his own words: “a reckless renaissance man!”

Rob and I go back a long way to our hometown, but we stay connected through creativity…and the keen awareness that life is short and no tomorrow is promised. One of the things I most admire about Rob is that he is a relentless creator…and he not only encourages, but emboldens, anyone who crosses his path to step into their own creativity. (Even me!)

Because…what’s the alternative?

When I asked Rob about his seemingly fearless creativity he answered with this: “It comes down to this…you don’t know what tomorrow is, and you don’t know what’s going to happen. So, what’s the alternative?”

The question dogged me all week…what IS the alternative? Not doing, not creating, not trying? Is it settling, resigning, or even quitting?

What IS the alternative to being brave?

Brave (adjective) – exhibiting courage or courageous endurance

The funny thing is…the word “courage” literally means “of the heart.” So if “brave” is exhibiting your heart, and following it through, it’s no wonder creative endeavors take a certain type of bravery and urgency. Because the alternative would be heart-crushing…wouldn’t it?

Which leads me to the next take-away: Rob and I talked about the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded people — not in the sense that they have to agree with you, but in the sense that they challenge you to rise to meet YOUR occasion, whatever that might be!

In addition to creative bravery and good company, we talked about:

  • The challenges of adulting and the threat it poses to creativity (dogs, day jobs, and transmissions alike)
  • The desire for applause (and why that might not be such a bad thing)
  • Ideal routines (and how quickly they can be derailed)
  • What tools Rob packs for work (and why he takes “all that stuff” with him in the bucket)
  • The importance of having a good circle of friends!

What about you?

We would love to talk with you about your experiences with creating, collaborating, and keeping fun company for the journey! Join us in our private Facebook group where we break these questions down each week, share tools and techniques, and hold each other accountable to the work we have been called to create.

Because we know it’s hard…we want to talk about how!

Up next: Tune in to our Facebook page tomorrow when we get to talk to another amazing creator and newly minted friend in the faith and trauma space!

Until then, set your alarm for whatever time YOU feel most creative and productive, and then…

Rise and Write!

10/3/21 by Grace Church
© 2021 Rise and Write with Grace & James

About Our Guest: Rob Nicholson is a singer, actor, award-winning playwright, and podcast host of The Rock and Horror Pop-cast Show – a podcast dedicated to all things rock, horror, and pop culture. He is a relentless creative and self-proclaimed reckless renaissance man with deep feelings for lyrics, music, and images (both moving and still). Father to three, partner to one, and an advocate for any creative soul lucky enough to cross his path — Rob lives in his hometown of Hopatcong, NJ but you can find him all over social media, starting with @rockandhorrorpopcastshow on Facebook.